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I am enough...Am I?

Dear Leeries,

Am I really enough?

Am I strong?

Am I worthy?

Do I got this?

Am I brave?

The world keeps telling you to believe in yourself, be you, you do you, you've got this, you can do anything…etc

Then why do you question whether you are enough? Why do you so often become disappointed in yourself when the consequences of our your limitations, and expectations hits you like a title wave. You are left empty, not knowing how to start over or motivate yourself. But you were self-sufficient. Right? You only needed to believe in yourself and tell yourself you are AMAZING, STRONG, BRAVE, UNSTOPABLE.

It becomes an endless cycle as you look to yourself to remind yourself that you are amazing, strong, brave, unstoppable...

But what if someone came along and told you, “You are worthless.”

“But I am worthy!” you might say back.

“Okay, then show me!” says the other person.

What does worthy look like? You look inside of yourself but struggle to find real proof of what the world told you you were. Once again you are left disappointed, dry, and discouraged with yourself and your capabilities.

But maybe there is Someone else you can find your worth or strength in?

Maybe all this time the world has been trying to distract you from the true source of your strength, beauty, happiness...which is God.

You are worthy of all things because God has told you so through His divine word.

Psalms 139: 13-14:

“for it was You who created my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will praise You because I have been fearfully and wonderfully made”.

Add God to the equation and you will see where all your capabilities and qualities truly flow from.

Let's try it out!

Instead of:

  • I can do anything ➡️ God can do anything.

  • I forgive myself for my mistakes➡️ God forgives me.

  • I believe in myself ➡️ I believe in God.

  • It's okay not to know everything ➡️ God knows everything. He

  • Today I will walk through my fears ➡️ With God’s help, I can face my fears.

  • I am God.

  • I am God.

  • I am God.

  • I am God.

You are strong, patient, fearless, brave, unstoppable, whole, beautiful, perfect, amazing, in-charge, good, powerful, without limit, forgiving, trustworthy, wise, kind, and generous...because God is all these things, you are all these thing a and MORE. In Him you will always have your proof. But most importantly, You are Enough!

Because....JESUS is ENOUGH!

Never forget that!

Let God define you and you will be unstoppable!

See you under the lamp,✨

God bless,❤️

M. G. Teagan

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